We Heart Cardio
What is "cardio"?
Cardio exercise is one of the best things we can do for our bodies, especially when coupled with strength training. “Cardio” is short for “cardiovascular”, meaning it’s exercise that engages the heart and lungs. It's a great way to keep our hearts healthy! Cardio doesn't have to mean running on a treadmill or hitting the elliptical machine for hours at the gym; it could also mean taking a short hike in nature, a brisk walk to get a cup of tea during a break at work, playing tennis with friends, or even dancing around our living rooms! Just make sure that whatever type of cardio you're doing is something you enjoy so you keep doing it regularly. If possible, mix it up so your body gets a variety of movement that activates various muscle groups.
Types of cardio.
There are two types of cardio: high-impact and low-impact.
High-impact is any activity where you're moving your body in a way that creates force against the ground, such as walking, running, and court sports.
Low-impact activities are ones that require little to no force against the ground—think cycling, rowing, or swimming. And then there's elliptical training, which is a bit of both worlds—it has some impact but far less than running (which means it can be easier on your joints).
Which type of cardio is best for your body?
There are benefits to both high-impact and low-impact cardio. Choose activities that support your body in its current state to minimize pain and injury.
High-impact cardio is great for maximizing calorie burn and increasing your fitness level, meaning your ability to maintain a higher heart rate for a longer amount of time.
Low-impact is best for supporting joints and is great for people who have past or current injuries.
Benefits of cardio.
It has several health benefits including managing and possible prevention of:
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Stroke
Cardio can help you manage your weight.
Cardio is a great way to burn calories and fat. A high-intensity cardio workout, like Tabata (short bursts of work with mini rest breaks in between) or HIIT (high intensity interval training), can help you burn more calories in a short amount of time versus steady low-intensity cardio workouts. Cardio exercise also helps to maintain your current weight once you reach your goal. In addition, cardio helps with muscle growth and recovery after strength training sessions. It can help prevent or reduce muscle soreness!
Cardio is great for mental health.
Every time you hit the treadmill or strap on your dance shoes, your brain benefits. Cardio exercise helps improve memory function, concentration, and mood. It also reduces stress, which can help reduce depression and anxiety.
Cardio + Strength = <3.
Cardio can generate strength, but strength is best built by specifically lifting heavy things regularly as part of your holistic workout plan. In simple terms, a hotter engine (with more muscle mass) burns calories and fat more effectively than a cooler engine (less muscle mass). Stronger muscles benefit your body in so many ways! Higher muscle mass burns more fat, so be sure to strength train at least 3 days a week to see results.
Get moving today!
If you are looking for a way to get fit and start feeling better, add some cardio into your life! Start slow. Simply adding 15 minutes of cardio a day a few days a week can start to make positive changes. There are lots of different ways to get your heart rate up. Keep trying different things until you find something that works best for your body and for your life! Have fun with it!
Article by Laurel Mylin.